
We are excited to have you join us for the intensive—which for many is a highlight of the curriculum. Your semester begins online Monday, August 5 and will include an online introduction to help you get familiar with materials and expectations for the course. New students will also have New Student Orientation Thursday, August 1, from 11 AM - 1 PM, on Zoom.  

The intensive portion will take place in one of two modalities (100% onsite or 100% online) from Saturday, August 10 to Saturday, August 17. During this time, you will meet critics, guest lecturers, and faculty members. They are all here to make you feel a part of the BAC community and kickstart your semester! 

How you prepare for the week will depend on the modality for which you are enrolled. Select the appropriate button below to find everything you need to get started (including relevant forms, checklists, hotel block information, etc.)   


New Students  

New Student Orientation is on Zoom Thursday, August 1, 2024. 

You can get to know your cohort in advance by joining a WhatsApp group for Master of Architecture students. When you fill out the required forms for intensive week, select the option to join your Intensive Week WhatsApp group. 

What Architecture courses have an intensive component?  

How do I sign up for an intensive course?  

The Registrar’s Office is your go-to resource for everything you need to register for your course or to make changes to your registration.  

When will I get my schedule?  

All course schedules will be posted to Moodle the Monday before classes start.  If you have questions beforehand, the best way to learn about the details of your schedule is to contact your instructor directly.

What to expect during the week:
Regardless of what modality you choose (onsite or remote), you will need to take the entire week off of work and major responsibilities.

Start times and end times based on cohort:
The intensive begins on Saturday, August 10 at 11 a.m. for all architecture students. 

The intensive runs through Saturday, August 17 for all architecture students. If you are in Foundation, Studio 1, Thesis Research, or Thesis your intensive will end midday (approximately 2 p.m.). Students in Architecture 2, 3, and 4 will work through the day on August 17 (until approximately 5 p.m.).  

Who can I contact if I have questions about...? 

When you create a ticket, please include:

1) Who you are (first name, last name and date of birth)
2) What page you're on (Moodle, CloudLab, email, SelfService, etc.)
3) What’s going on (identify the problem, say how long it’s been going on, and provide a screen shot of the issue if available (for example, include the error message)).  

How do I login to my BAC accounts? 

These sites all use the same password:



Username: firstname.lastname

Password: current password




Password: current password


Google Drive
(If your password is out of sync, you can reset it here:


password: current password


CloudLab (Virtual Desktop Computer)

     (Access to applications like AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit)


Password: current password



Username: firstname.lastname

Password:  current password


Password: current password